It all started when…
A volunteer had a vision - that to get the cats and kittens adopted more readily, people needed to be able to interact with the cats one on one - and not have to worry about the cat getting away. Also, the volunteers needed an easier way to transport the cats and kittens to off-site adoptions. The cats needed a stress-free (or at least a lower stress) environment in which to meet potential adopters. Thus, the Meow Mobile concept was born.
An old trailer was purchased and renovated - it was called the Meow Mobile. Cats were now transported more easily to off-site adoptions, this was a low-stress environment - no dogs, no huge crowds, and people were able to enter and spend time with a cat out of its cage without worrying about the animal getting away.
However, within a couple of years, the trailer was beginning to show wear and tear. Repairs were getting more costly and we were going to be losing the one person that had been doing the repairs for free. So with much deliberation, the sad decision was made to part with the trailer. We have no new trailer to replace the old one so for now, we are the Meow Mobile without wheels.
Goodbye old trailer - you served us well.